Augmented Reality

Something bad happened on this spacecraft, and it's your job to investigate what. Delirium is an experimental theater piece created by Mark Peterson, using AR filters created by Nina to add to the experience.
The AR filter simulates an analytic display system, used to investigate the status of the ship and its crew. Pressing the buttons brings up scanning crosshairs, which then display a series of data, the numbers generating differently each time. Nina created both the artistic assets of the filter, used as the system display in the set, as well as programming the AR framework.

Gothic AR
Deal of the Witch
This filter is a reflection on the “satanic” origin of witches, and how this deal with darkness could lead to self-empowerment, or disaster. When viewing the filter, a 2D animation plays out on the face. Five eyes open and close, move to form a pentagram, which summons a final eye in the center. This eyes closes, only to open as a mouth, and take a bite. The 2D animation was drawn and animated by Nina, and the horns were modeled by Carly Mack. The AR framework was created by Nina.

Skeleton Queen
A goth glam skeleton filter. When you open your mouth, dark rose petals fall out. The skeletal face and golden piercings were illustrated by Nina, and the crown was created by Carly Mack. The AR framework was programmed collaboratively.

Masquerade Paradox
This filter symbolizes the evolution of a goth kid. The first filter is when they are young and trying their best to be goth, then when they tap the screen, they are more grown and refined. The mask and makeup designs were illustrated by Nina, and the shape of the mask was modeled by Carly Mack. The AR framework was programmed collaboratively.